Love Me, Hug Me, Massage Me

My Services

Fertility Massage Therapy
Fertility Massage Therapy uses a range of techniques which when combined bring harmony and balance to the reproductive, digestive and sacral areas. This unique therapy reawakens and reconnects women to their bodies, especially their womb. With each area nurtured, fertility is enhanced.
The wonderful thing about Fertility Massage Therapy is that it can be used on its own to enhance fertility or can be used alongside fertility treatments such as IVF, ICSI, IUI and egg or sperm donation.
Is Fertility Massage for me?
Fertility Massage could help if you suffer with any of the following conditions:
Reproductive Complaints:
Painful or heavy bleeds
Irregular cycles
Poor egg health
Digestive Complaints:
Bloating or excess wind
Crohn’s Disease
Celiac Disease
Stress and Emotions
During your fertility journey, you may experience increased stress levels, invasive procedures, emotional turmoil and so many fears and worries. Your body can hold on to these stresses and emotions, usually in the abdomen. Fertility Massage gently eases this tension, leaving you feeling freer in mind and body.
When you are trying to conceive, fertility is at the forefront of your thoughts. It is often easier said than done to relax. Taking time out to be nurtured and learning how to perform massage on yourself, will gently encourage you to relax.
Fertility Massage has numerous physical benefits. One of the most important is helping you to relax and release tension and emotions trapped within, supporting you through your journey.
Your fertility journey…
Have you been trying to conceive for a while or are you at the beginning of your journey?
Are you already using natural medicine or going through IVF cycles?
Are you planning on using an egg or sperm donor?
Have you experienced previous miscarriages?
…wherever you are on your journey Fertility Massage can benefit you.
What is Fertility Massage Therapy?
Fertility Massage Therapy is a deep, yet gentle, non invasive therapy that works by bringing the organs within the abdominal area back into alignment, releasing pressure and strengthening the surrounding muscles and ligaments. This improves blood, nerve and lymph flow. Toxins are flushed away and nutrients that help to tone tissue and balance hormones, are restored to normal order.
The massage also focuses on breaking down scar tissue and loosening hardened debris that has been accumulating in your gut for years, encouraging a natural movement and clearing both physical and emotional congestion, leaving your abdomen feeling lighter and freer.
Why focus on reproductive, digestive and sacral areas?
The areas of our abdominal cavity are all serviced by the same neural pathways, connecting the organs, muscles and connective tissue of the reproductive and digestive systems with the lower back muscles. If one organ or muscle is misaligned, blocked or damaged by scar tissue then all the others will be disrupted and can send the whole body into disarray.
80% of our immune system lives within our digestive tract and so immunity, digestion and fertility are closely linked. It is important to massage and treat the whole area of the torso thus aiming to achieve homeostasis – balance within the whole of our body.
What techniques are included?
Abdominal massage
Sacral massage
Reiki healing
The benefits of Fertility Massage
Fertility Massage can help in the following important ways:
Increases circulation to the uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes
Increases circulation to the digestive system, enhancing the immune system
Promotes hormonal balance
Helps the body to rid itself of old stagnant blood, tissue and scar tissue
Helps to reposition a tilted uterus
How Fertility Massage can benefit your personal condition
PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome)
Encourages hormonal balance
Helps to clear congestion
Brings fresh, oxygenated blood to the ovaries
Clears pathways for feedback between reproductive organs and the endocrine system
Endometriosis and Fibroids
Releases endorphins which eases pain
Promotes hormonal balance
Strengthens the liver to enhance oestrogen metabolism
Helps to clear congestion
Brings fresh oxygenated blood to the ovaries
Clears pathways for feedback between reproductive organs and the endocrine system
Breaks down scar tissue and adhesions
Releases trapped nerves which eases pain
Heavy periods, painful periods and/or blood clots
Helps to bring fresh blood to the uterus
Helps the body to get rid of old, stagnant blood
Increases endorphins which helps reduce pain
Aids the uterus in getting rid of blood clots
Helps restore the correct position of the uterus which can ease pain and lessen blood clots
Eases trapped nerves bringing pain relief
Irregular bleeds
Balances hormones
Eases stress which has a huge impact on cycles
Increased circulation increases hormone delivery
Poor egg health
Helps to bring fresh blood to the ovaries
Increases circulation and hormone delivery
Helps the body to release scar tissue surrounding the ovaries, easing the journey of an ovulating egg
Poor mucus production
Encourages hormonal balance and improves mucus production
Increases circulation to the cervix which promotes healing and repair
Increases lymphatic flow, enhancing mucus production
Blocked fallopian tubes
Helps to reduce inflammation
Breaks up scar tissue causing blockages in tubes
Increases circulation, which aids tissue repair
Helps the body to loosen tension within tissues
Encourages tone and strength
Digestive complaints e.g. constipation, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Crohn’s Disease etc.
Encourages elimination from digestive tract, easing constipation
Releases trapped wind and bloating
Promotes bowel movements which aids in elimination of toxins
Tones and strengthens the intestines
Lower back pain
Eases tension, scar tissue and adhesions in sacrum and coccyx
Releases trapped nerves in lower spine
Eases pelvic imbalances to help restore correct position of uterus
Enhances orgasms through releasing coccyx tension
Emotional trauma
Eases stress
Eases tension from old emotional traumas
Aids in releasing trapped emotions
Helps women to reconnect with their womb and future babies
Reiki is incorporated in to all treatments to ensure that each session treats a client's mind, body and soul.
Click here for testimonials

Women's Health Massage / Womb Massage
Women’s Health Massage uses a range of techniques which when combined bring harmony and balance to the reproductive, digestive and sacral areas. This unique therapy reawakens and reconnects women to their bodies, especially their womb.
Is Women’s Health Massage for me?
Women’s Health Massage could help if you suffer with any of the following conditions:
Reproductive Complaints:
Infertility (see separate page on Fertility Massage)
Painful or heavy bleeds
Irregular cycles
Poor egg health
Digestive Complaints:
Bloating or excess wind
Crohn’s Disease
Celiac Disease
Stress and Emotions
As a result of stressful periods and events in your life, your body can hold on to these stresses and emotions, usually in the abdomen. Women’s Health Massage gently eases this tension, leaving you feeling freer in mind and body.
It is often easier said than done to relax. Taking time out to be nurtured and learning how to perform massage on yourself, will gently encourage you to relax.
Women’s Health Massage has numerous physical benefits. One of the most important is helping you to relax and release tension and emotions trapped within.
What is Women’s Health Massage?
Women’s Health Massage is a deep, yet gentle, non invasive therapy that works by bringing the organs within the abdominal area back into alignment, releasing pressure and strengthening the surrounding muscles and ligaments. This improves blood, nerve and lymph flow. Toxins are flushed away and nutrients that help to tone tissue and balance hormones, are restored to normal order.
The massage also focuses on breaking down scar tissue and loosening hardened debris that has been accumulating in your gut for years, encouraging a natural movement and clearing both physical and emotional congestion, leaving your abdomen feeling lighter and freer.
Why focus on reproductive, digestive and sacral areas?
The areas of our abdominal cavity are all serviced by the same neural pathways, connecting the organs, muscles and connective tissue of the reproductive and digestive systems with the lower back muscles. If one organ or muscle is misaligned, blocked or damaged by scar tissue then all the others will be disrupted and can send the whole body into disarray.
80% of our immune system lives within our digestive tract and so immunity, digestion and our reproductive organs are closely linked. It is important to massage and treat the whole area of the torso thus aiming to achieve homeostasis – balance within the whole of our body.
What techniques are included?
Abdominal massage
Sacral massage
Reiki healing
The benefits of Women’s Health Massage
Women’s Health Massage can help in the following important ways:
Increases circulation to the uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes
Increases circulation to the digestive system, enhancing the immune system
Promotes hormonal balance
Helps the body to rid itself of old stagnant blood, tissue and scar tissue
Helps to reposition a tilted uterus
How Women’s Health Massage can benefit your personal condition
PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome)
Encourages hormonal balance
Helps to clear congestion
Brings fresh, oxygenated blood to the ovaries
Clears pathways for feedback between reproductive organs and the endocrine system
Endometriosis and Fibroids
Releases endorphins which eases pain
Promotes hormonal balance
Strengthens the liver to enhance oestrogen metabolism
Helps to clear congestion
Brings fresh oxygenated blood to the ovaries
Clears pathways for feedback between reproductive organs and the endocrine system
Breaks down scar tissue and adhesions
Releases trapped nerves which eases pain
Heavy periods, painful periods and/or blood clots
Helps to bring fresh blood to the uterus
Helps the body to get rid of old, stagnant blood
Increases endorphins which helps reduce pain
Aids the uterus in getting rid of blood clots
Helps restore the correct position of the uterus which can ease pain and lessen blood clots
Eases trapped nerves bringing pain relief
Irregular bleeds
Balances hormones
Eases stress which has a huge impact on cycles
Increased circulation increases hormone delivery
Poor egg health
Helps to bring fresh blood to the ovaries
Increases circulation and hormone delivery
Helps the body to release scar tissue surrounding the ovaries, easing the journey of an ovulating egg
Poor mucus production
Encourages hormonal balance and improves mucus production
Increases circulation to the cervix which promotes healing and repair
Increases lymphatic flow, enhancing mucus production
Blocked fallopian tubes
Helps to reduce inflammation
Breaks up scar tissue causing blockages in tubes
Increases circulation, which aids tissue repair
Helps the body to loosen tension within tissues
Encourages tone and strength
Digestive complaints e.g. constipation, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Crohn’s Disease etc.
Encourages elimination from digestive tract, easing constipation
Releases trapped wind and bloating
Promotes bowel movements which aids in elimination of toxins
Tones and strengthens the intestines
Lower back pain
Eases tension, scar tissue and adhesions in sacrum and coccyx
Releases trapped nerves in lower spine
Eases pelvic imbalances to help restore correct position of uterus
Enhances orgasms through releasing coccyx tension
Emotional trauma
Eases stress
Eases tension from old emotional traumas
Aids in releasing trapped emotions
Helps women to reconnect with their womb and future babies
Reiki is incorporated in to all treatments to ensure that each session treats a client's mind, body and soul.
Click here for testimonials

Pregnancy Massage
A therapeutic and tailored treatment for mums-to-be. Pregnancy massage can alleviate, or in many cases eliminate, many common symptoms during pregnancy such as heartburn, constipation, diarrhoea, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, increased mucus, swelling/oedema, shortness of breath, backache, anxiety, tiredness, cramp and much more.
Pregnancy massage can also help to prevent stretch marks, relieve stress, produce emotional releases connected to past birth experiences and assists in bonding between mother and baby.
Mums-to-be can have a pregnancy massage treatment any time after their 12 week check right up until their baby arrives - even if they are overdue.
Treatments take 60 minutes for an upper body massage and 90 minutes for a full body massage. A free 30 minute consultation is included with the first appointment. The treatment is carried out in a side-lying position whilst fully supported by pillows..
Verbal permission from a midwife or doctor should be obtained prior to attending the first appointment.
Reiki is incorporated in to all treatments to ensure that each session treats mother and baby's minds, bodies and souls.
Click here for testimonials.

Massage Skills Training for Birth Partners
A 30-45 minute workshop teaching simple but effective techniques for birth partners to use during the lead-up to birth and during labour. These techniques will assist with relaxation, support, pain relief and the shortening of labour.
Easy-to-follow handout and massage oil provided.
As part of my training, I assisted with teaching at the Active Birth Centre in Camden.

Postnatal Massage
A therapeutic and tailored treatment for recent mums. Whilst my postnatal massage is the same at my pregnancy massage, your body is different and therefore the benefits. Each stroke of the postnatal massage is to support your body and mind in settling down back in to your pre pregnancy state and to help with any aches and pains, exhaustion etc. that you may be experiencing.
This is a full or upper body massage which takes place in a front lying position or side-lying position (recommended if you are currently or have recently finished breastfeeding) When laying on your side you are fully supported with pillows.
A free 20-30 minute consultation is included at your first appointment. The consultation can be carried out over the telephone in advance if you prefer so that you do not have to leave baby for as long.
Reiki is incorporated in to all treatments to ensure that each session treats a mother's mind, body and soul.
Click here for testimonials

Baby Massage - 5 Week Courses
A skill for parents that encourages nurturing touch and deep bonding between you and your baby.
Massage gives confidence to all parents when handling their baby, assists in the bonding process and creates quality time between parent and child in the fast paced world we live in.
Key benefits of infant massage for you and your baby are:
Relief : colic, sinuses, growing pains, excess mucus, constipation & teething pains.
Relaxation : regulates sleep, reduces stress & produces calming hormones.
Stimulation : skin, nervous system, digestion, circulation, muscle tone, immune system, respiration & language.
Interaction : improves bonding, communication, reading baby cues, one to one contact & using all the senses.
Course content:
Week 1: Demonstration and participation of legs and feet massage.
Week 2: Demonstration and participation of stomach massage and “wind routine”.
Week 3: Demonstration and participation of chest, arms and hands massage.
Week 4: Demonstration and participation of face and back massage.
Week 5: Participation of full body massage.
As well as learning how to safely massage your baby you will be shown touch relaxation techniques and gentle movements. During the course you will get to meet other parents and join in with discussions on relevant topics together with sharing ideas and suggestions with the group.
Massage communicates to all children, all caregivers, all communities and all backgrounds. By passing on these skills to parents it gives you the chance to assist in alleviating or eliminating ailments so that parenthood and childhood can be enjoyed to the full.
Please note: ALL babies welcome from 4 weeks until crawling. I have experience working with babies and parents with additional needs.
Five week courses running throughout the year. For details of the next course dates or to reserve your place, please contact Kellie with your name, your baby's name, age and details of any problems or health conditions you/your baby may currently be experiencing. Please also include your mobile number as a reminder text is sent the day before each class.

In the late 19th century, a Japanese Buddhist priest, Dr Mikao Usui, reintroduced the techniques he discovered from ancient Tibetan Sacred Texts. These healing techniques are now known as Reiki.
Reiki is a Japanese word meaning:
REI: Universally or spiritually guided, wisdom and knowledge of the universe.
KI: Life Force Energy (which flows through every living thing and is present in some form in everything around us even in rocks and inanimate objects).
Reiki is an art of healing by touch, a way of channelling the life force energy to restore perfect balance to the body on all levels, healing not only physical disorders, but also emotional and mental problems, as it opens the mind to the causes of disease and pain, helping with their elimination. It can also be used to encourage personal and spiritual awareness and growth.
Reiki is incorporated in to all treatments to ensure that each session treats a client's mind, body and soul.
I am a member of the Reiki Healers & Teachers Society.

Cuskiboo® is a calming, safe and healthy alternative to other infant comforters. Its unique shape stimulates your child’s imagination - a round shape is the first shape a baby recognises. Keep Cuskiboo® close to you, either inside your clothing or next to you in bed for a few days; it will absorb all those comforting mummy/daddy scents. Cuskiboos® are a great friend for babies in special care too as they can still smell mummy/daddy when you are not with them.
Cuskiboo® is made entirely from a special bamboo yarn which is organically grown and totally sustainable. It is ultra absorbent, antibacterial, eco-friendly, bio-degradable, machine washable, beautifully soft and naturally loveable!
Cuskiboo® is also approved by the National Health Service - the only baby comforter in the UK with this official guideline!
If your little one loves their Cuskiboo® as much as my little one does, make sure you have a spare for when one is in the wash!
Care Instructions:
Before bonding with me, please wash me at 30˚ and ensure that I am completely dry - particularly around my neck! I am safe to put in the tumble dryer if your mummy prefers.
Once dry please pass to your mummy to sleep with me for a couple of nights to get her special yummy mummy smells on me. Tie all my long bits in to knots so that I am easier to grab (and it stops mummy worrying about me covering your face too!) and pop next to your face to schnuggle up to and comfort yourself off to sleep. In time your mummy will notice how your face turns towards me to suck on or snuggle.

Charities and Bump 2 Baby Massage
Bump 2 Baby Massage are proud to support the following charities and children:
North Middlesex Hospital Children’s Ward – unwanted nappies, clothes and toys always gratefully received.
The Ava Howton Fund
The George Lockley Fund
Haven House Children’s Hospice

Recommended Professionals
Please note that I only recommend professionals whom I have used myself.
Pregnancy, newborn & family photographers
Katie Rouse Photography - www.katierousephotography.com
Russ Jackson Photography - www.russjacksonphotography.co.uk
Louise Segui 2Evolve, at The Freedom Centre – www.2evolve.biz
Laura Marks – 07917 333 081
Cranial Osteopath
Manuel Ponce – www.cranial-osteopath.com
Nutritional Therapist
Jodie Brandman – www.jodiebrandman.com
Pregnancy & Postnatal Pilates
A Balanced Life/ABL – Tori Norris - www.abalancedlife.co.uk
Baby Swimming
Aquababies Essex – Sally Brett - www.aquababies-essex.co.uk

Privacy Policy
How we use your personal data
Your personal data is confidential and is not shared with any third parties. Personal details are either taken and kept for the purposes of keeping you safe during treatment and enhancing your experience or for the purpose of booking you on to a course, keeping you (and your baby) safe during classes and contacting you regarding the course. I am also required to keep records for a period of time for insurance purposes. Your details are kept in a locked room and, if no longer required by Bump 2 Baby Massage, destroyed by shredding after seven years.
This privacy notice provides you with details of how we collect and process your personal data including any information you may provide through our site when you book an appointment, sign up to any future newsletters or complete a course booking form.
By providing us with your data, you warrant to us that you are over 13 years of age.
Bump 2 Baby Massage is the data controller and we are responsible for your personal data (referred to as “we”, “us” or “our” in this privacy notice).
Contact Details
Our full details are:
Bump 2 Baby Massage
Email address: info@bump2babymassage.co.uk
Postal address: Bump 2 Baby Massage, 51 Valley Hill, Loughton, Essex IG10 3AL
If you are not happy with any aspect of how we collect and use your data, you have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), the UK supervisory authority for data protection issues (www.ico.org.uk). We should be grateful if you would contact us first if you do have a complaint so that we can try to resolve it for you.
It is very important that the information we hold about you is accurate and up to date. Please let us know if at any time, whilst actively attending clinic, your personal information changes by emailing us at info@bump2babymassage.co.uk
Below are our policies on how we collect data from you and which data we collect from you:
Course Bookings
· Identity Data may include your first name, last name and that of your child/children.
· Contact Data may include your home address, email address and telephone numbers.
· Financial Data is not collected:
· all payments are collected either by BACS, cash, cheque or gift voucher.
· Transaction Data may include details about payments made by yourself for course bookings or appointments.
· Your personal data will be stored and be accessible by Bump 2 Baby Massage.
· Your information will not be shared to any third party companies.
· We will only contact you with regards to Bump 2 Baby Massage services and associated matters and will never send spam to you.
Client Consultation Forms
· Identity Data may include your first name, last name, marital status, title, date of birth and gender. Identity Data may also include details of your child/children.
· Contact Data may include your home address, email address and telephone numbers.
· Health Data: The medical and emotional questions are required so that we can provide a holistic treatment for you.
· Sensitive Data: We do not collect any Sensitive Data about you. Sensitive data refers to data that includes details about your medical background, race or ethnicity, religious or philosophical beliefs, sex life, sexual orientation. We do not collect any information about criminal convictions and offences.
· Financial Data is not collected:
· all payments are collected either by BACS, cash, cheque or gift voucher.
· Transaction Data may include details about payments made by yourself for treatments.
· Your personal data will be stored and be accessible by Bump 2 Baby Massage.
· Your information will not be shared to any third party companies.
· We will only contact you with regards to Bump 2 Baby Massage services and associated matters and will never send spam to you.
Data Retention:
· By law we have to keep basic information about our customers (including Contact, Identity, Financial and Transaction Data) for six years after they cease being customers for insurance and tax purposes.
· Medical malpractice requests that we keep consultation files on record for seven years once you have received your last treatment with Kellie McFarlane (nee Matthews). After this date they will be shredded.
· We will only retain your personal data for as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes we collected it for, including for the purposes of satisfying any legal, accounting, or medical requirements.
Record Keepings
· Your consultation forms are kept either on file on a password protected computer and/or paper files are kept in a locked room.
· Your files are not viewed or accessible by anyone other than Kellie McFarlane (nee Matthews), unless consent is given by yourself to share with other professionals.
· You can ask to view your client files at any given time.
We are committed to protecting your privacy.
This website is operated by Bump 2 Baby Massage and we are committed to protecting your personal information and will keep any information you provide safely and securely.
1. Disclosing Information
We will not sell, distribute or lease your personal information to third parties unless we have your permission or are required by law to do so. We may use your personal information to send you promotional information about third parties which we think you may find interesting if you tell us that you wish this to happen.
2. Webserver Logs
For statistical purposes, we may gather certain information automatically and store it in log files. These log files contain standard information collected by web servers, such as client IP addresses, browser type, internet service provider (ISP), operating system, etc. This information will only used internally and is not distributed or sold to a third party. We may use this information, which does not identify individual users, to analyse trends, to administer the website and to gather demographic information about our user base as a whole.
3. Your Legal Rights
Under certain circumstances, you have rights under data protection laws in relation to your personal data. These include the right to:
· Request access, correction and removal to your personal data.
· Object to processing of your personal data.
· Request restriction of processing your personal data.
· Request transfer of your personal data.
· Right to withdraw consent.
You can see more about these rights at:
If you request access to your personal data, there will not be a fee unless the request is excessive.
We try to respond to all legitimate requests within one month.
4. Links to Third Party Websites
When you are using the Bump 2 Baby Massage website you may move to other websites which are not operated by us (“Third Party Websites”). Third Party Websites may send their own cookies to you and collect or request data and personal information. We do not control Third Party Websites and therefore are not responsible for them. By having a link to Third Party Websites from the Website we do not make any promise or recommendation about the Third Party Websites and we may not have any connection with the people who operate the Third Party Websites. You should always read the privacy policy of Third Party Websites as their policy may be materially different to that of Bump 2 Baby Massage.
5. Changes to the Privacy Policy
From time to time Bump 2 Baby Massage may decide or be legally obliged to update this privacy policy. Any changes will be posted on the website. Except as required by law, any modifications of this privacy policy will not affect our treatment of data collected prior to the effective date of the policy change.
My Services

Fertility Massage Therapy
Fertility Massage Therapy uses a range of techniques which when combined bring harmony and balance to the reproductive, digestive and sacral areas. This unique therapy reawakens and reconnects women to their bodies, especially their womb. With each area nurtured, fertility is enhanced.
The wonderful thing about Fertility Massage Therapy is that it can be used on its own to enhance fertility or can be used alongside fertility treatments such as IVF, ICSI, IUI and egg or sperm donation.
Is Fertility Massage for me?
Fertility Massage could help if you suffer with any of the following conditions:
Reproductive Complaints:
Painful or heavy bleeds
Irregular cycles
Poor egg health
Digestive Complaints:
Bloating or excess wind
Crohn’s Disease
Celiac Disease
Stress and Emotions
During your fertility journey, you may experience increased stress levels, invasive procedures, emotional turmoil and so many fears and worries. Your body can hold on to these stresses and emotions, usually in the abdomen. Fertility Massage gently eases this tension, leaving you feeling freer in mind and body.
When you are trying to conceive, fertility is at the forefront of your thoughts. It is often easier said than done to relax. Taking time out to be nurtured and learning how to perform massage on yourself, will gently encourage you to relax.
Fertility Massage has numerous physical benefits. One of the most important is helping you to relax and release tension and emotions trapped within, supporting you through your journey.
Your fertility journey…
Have you been trying to conceive for a while or are you at the beginning of your journey?
Are you already using natural medicine or going through IVF cycles?
Are you planning on using an egg or sperm donor?
Have you experienced previous miscarriages?
…wherever you are on your journey Fertility Massage can benefit you.
What is Fertility Massage Therapy?
Fertility Massage Therapy is a deep, yet gentle, non invasive therapy that works by bringing the organs within the abdominal area back into alignment, releasing pressure and strengthening the surrounding muscles and ligaments. This improves blood, nerve and lymph flow. Toxins are flushed away and nutrients that help to tone tissue and balance hormones, are restored to normal order.
The massage also focuses on breaking down scar tissue and loosening hardened debris that has been accumulating in your gut for years, encouraging a natural movement and clearing both physical and emotional congestion, leaving your abdomen feeling lighter and freer.
Why focus on reproductive, digestive and sacral areas?
The areas of our abdominal cavity are all serviced by the same neural pathways, connecting the organs, muscles and connective tissue of the reproductive and digestive systems with the lower back muscles. If one organ or muscle is misaligned, blocked or damaged by scar tissue then all the others will be disrupted and can send the whole body into disarray.
80% of our immune system lives within our digestive tract and so immunity, digestion and fertility are closely linked. It is important to massage and treat the whole area of the torso thus aiming to achieve homeostasis – balance within the whole of our body.
What techniques are included?
Abdominal massage
Sacral massage
Reiki healing
The benefits of Fertility Massage
Fertility Massage can help in the following important ways:
Increases circulation to the uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes
Increases circulation to the digestive system, enhancing the immune system
Promotes hormonal balance
Helps the body to rid itself of old stagnant blood, tissue and scar tissue
Helps to reposition a tilted uterus
How Fertility Massage can benefit your personal condition
PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome)
Encourages hormonal balance
Helps to clear congestion
Brings fresh, oxygenated blood to the ovaries
Clears pathways for feedback between reproductive organs and the endocrine system
Endometriosis and Fibroids
Releases endorphins which eases pain
Promotes hormonal balance
Strengthens the liver to enhance oestrogen metabolism
Helps to clear congestion
Brings fresh oxygenated blood to the ovaries
Clears pathways for feedback between reproductive organs and the endocrine system
Breaks down scar tissue and adhesions
Releases trapped nerves which eases pain
Heavy periods, painful periods and/or blood clots
Helps to bring fresh blood to the uterus
Helps the body to get rid of old, stagnant blood
Increases endorphins which helps reduce pain
Aids the uterus in getting rid of blood clots
Helps restore the correct position of the uterus which can ease pain and lessen blood clots
Eases trapped nerves bringing pain relief
Irregular bleeds
Balances hormones
Eases stress which has a huge impact on cycles
Increased circulation increases hormone delivery
Poor egg health
Helps to bring fresh blood to the ovaries
Increases circulation and hormone delivery
Helps the body to release scar tissue surrounding the ovaries, easing the journey of an ovulating egg
Poor mucus production
Encourages hormonal balance and improves mucus production
Increases circulation to the cervix which promotes healing and repair
Increases lymphatic flow, enhancing mucus production
Blocked fallopian tubes
Helps to reduce inflammation
Breaks up scar tissue causing blockages in tubes
Increases circulation, which aids tissue repair
Helps the body to loosen tension within tissues
Encourages tone and strength
Digestive complaints e.g. constipation, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Crohn’s Disease etc.
Encourages elimination from digestive tract, easing constipation
Releases trapped wind and bloating
Promotes bowel movements which aids in elimination of toxins
Tones and strengthens the intestines
Lower back pain
Eases tension, scar tissue and adhesions in sacrum and coccyx
Releases trapped nerves in lower spine
Eases pelvic imbalances to help restore correct position of uterus
Enhances orgasms through releasing coccyx tension
Emotional trauma
Eases stress
Eases tension from old emotional traumas
Aids in releasing trapped emotions
Helps women to reconnect with their womb and future babies
Click here for testimonials

Women's Health Massage / Womb Massage
Women’s Health Massage uses a range of techniques which when combined bring harmony and balance to the reproductive, digestive and sacral areas. This unique therapy reawakens and reconnects women to their bodies, especially their womb.
Is Women’s Health Massage for me?
Women’s Health Massage could help if you suffer with any of the following conditions:
Reproductive Complaints:
Infertility (see separate page on Fertility Massage)
Painful or heavy bleeds
Irregular cycles
Poor egg health
Digestive Complaints:
Bloating or excess wind
Crohn’s Disease
Celiac Disease
Stress and Emotions
As a result of stressful periods and events in your life, your body can hold on to these stresses and emotions, usually in the abdomen. Women’s Health Massage gently eases this tension, leaving you feeling freer in mind and body.
It is often easier said than done to relax. Taking time out to be nurtured and learning how to perform massage on yourself, will gently encourage you to relax.
Women’s Health Massage has numerous physical benefits. One of the most important is helping you to relax and release tension and emotions trapped within.
What is Women’s Health Massage?
Women’s Health Massage is a deep, yet gentle, non invasive therapy that works by bringing the organs within the abdominal area back into alignment, releasing pressure and strengthening the surrounding muscles and ligaments. This improves blood, nerve and lymph flow. Toxins are flushed away and nutrients that help to tone tissue and balance hormones, are restored to normal order.
The massage also focuses on breaking down scar tissue and loosening hardened debris that has been accumulating in your gut for years, encouraging a natural movement and clearing both physical and emotional congestion, leaving your abdomen feeling lighter and freer.
Why focus on reproductive, digestive and sacral areas?
The areas of our abdominal cavity are all serviced by the same neural pathways, connecting the organs, muscles and connective tissue of the reproductive and digestive systems with the lower back muscles. If one organ or muscle is misaligned, blocked or damaged by scar tissue then all the others will be disrupted and can send the whole body into disarray.
80% of our immune system lives within our digestive tract and so immunity, digestion and our reproductive organs are closely linked. It is important to massage and treat the whole area of the torso thus aiming to achieve homeostasis – balance within the whole of our body.
What techniques are included?
Abdominal massage
Sacral massage
Reiki healing
The benefits of Women’s Health Massage
Women’s Health Massage can help in the following important ways:
Increases circulation to the uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes
Increases circulation to the digestive system, enhancing the immune system
Promotes hormonal balance
Helps the body to rid itself of old stagnant blood, tissue and scar tissue
Helps to reposition a tilted uterus
How Women’s Health Massage can benefit your personal condition
PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome)
Encourages hormonal balance
Helps to clear congestion
Brings fresh, oxygenated blood to the ovaries
Clears pathways for feedback between reproductive organs and the endocrine system
Endometriosis and Fibroids
Releases endorphins which eases pain
Promotes hormonal balance
Strengthens the liver to enhance oestrogen metabolism
Helps to clear congestion
Brings fresh oxygenated blood to the ovaries
Clears pathways for feedback between reproductive organs and the endocrine system
Breaks down scar tissue and adhesions
Releases trapped nerves which eases pain
Heavy periods, painful periods and/or blood clots
Helps to bring fresh blood to the uterus
Helps the body to get rid of old, stagnant blood
Increases endorphins which helps reduce pain
Aids the uterus in getting rid of blood clots
Helps restore the correct position of the uterus which can ease pain and lessen blood clots
Eases trapped nerves bringing pain relief
Irregular bleeds
Balances hormones
Eases stress which has a huge impact on cycles
Increased circulation increases hormone delivery
Poor egg health
Helps to bring fresh blood to the ovaries
Increases circulation and hormone delivery
Helps the body to release scar tissue surrounding the ovaries, easing the journey of an ovulating egg
Poor mucus production
Encourages hormonal balance and improves mucus production
Increases circulation to the cervix which promotes healing and repair
Increases lymphatic flow, enhancing mucus production
Blocked fallopian tubes
Helps to reduce inflammation
Breaks up scar tissue causing blockages in tubes
Increases circulation, which aids tissue repair
Helps the body to loosen tension within tissues
Encourages tone and strength
Digestive complaints e.g. constipation, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Crohn’s Disease etc.
Encourages elimination from digestive tract, easing constipation
Releases trapped wind and bloating
Promotes bowel movements which aids in elimination of toxins
Tones and strengthens the intestines
Lower back pain
Eases tension, scar tissue and adhesions in sacrum and coccyx
Releases trapped nerves in lower spine
Eases pelvic imbalances to help restore correct position of uterus
Enhances orgasms through releasing coccyx tension
Emotional trauma
Eases stress
Eases tension from old emotional traumas
Aids in releasing trapped emotions
Helps women to reconnect with their womb and future babies
Click here for testimonials

Pregnancy Massage
A therapeutic and tailored treatment for mums-to-be. Pregnancy massage can alleviate, or in many cases eliminate, many common symptoms during pregnancy such as heartburn, constipation, diarrhoea, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, increased mucus, swelling/oedema, shortness of breath, backache, anxiety, tiredness, cramp and much more.
Pregnancy massage can also help to prevent stretch marks, relieve stress, produce emotional releases connected to past birth experiences and assists in bonding between mother and baby.
Mums-to-be can have a pregnancy massage treatment any time after their 12 week check right up until their baby arrives - even if they are overdue.
Treatments take 60 minutes for an upper body massage and 90 minutes for a full body massage. A free 30 minute consultation is included with the first appointment. The treatment is carried out in a side-lying position whilst fully supported by pillows..
Verbal permission from a midwife or doctor should be obtained prior to attending the first appointment.
Reiki is incorporated in to all treatments to ensure that each session treats mother and baby's minds, bodies and souls.
Click here for testimonials.

Massage Skills Training for Birth Partners
A 30-45 minute workshop teaching simple but effective techniques for birth partners to use during the lead-up to birth and during labour. These techniques will assist with relaxation, support, pain relief and the shortening of labour.
Easy-to-follow handout and massage oil provided.
As part of my training, I assisted with teaching at the Active Birth Centre in Camden.

Postnatal Massage
A therapeutic and tailored treatment for recent mums. Whilst my postnatal massage is the same at my pregnancy massage, your body is different and therefore the benefits. Each stroke of the postnatal massage is to support your body and mind in settling down back in to your pre pregnancy state and to help with any aches and pains, exhaustion etc. that you may be experiencing.
This is a full or upper body massage which takes place in a front lying position or side-lying position (recommended if you are currently or have recently finished breastfeeding) When laying on your side you are fully supported with pillows.
A free 20-30 minute consultation is included at your first appointment. The consultation can be carried out over the telephone in advance if you prefer so that you do not have to leave baby for as long.
Click here for testimonials

Baby Massage - 5 Week Courses
A skill for parents that encourages nurturing touch and deep bonding between you and your baby.
Massage gives confidence to all parents when handling their baby, assists in the bonding process and creates quality time between parent and child in the fast paced world we live in.
Key benefits of infant massage for you and your baby are:
Relief : colic, sinuses, growing pains, excess mucus, constipation & teething pains.
Relaxation : regulates sleep, reduces stress & produces calming hormones.
Stimulation : skin, nervous system, digestion, circulation, muscle tone, immune system, respiration & language.
Interaction : improves bonding, communication, reading baby cues, one to one contact & using all the senses.
Course content:
Week 1: Demonstration and participation of legs and feet massage.
Week 2: Demonstration and participation of stomach massage and “wind routine”.
Week 3: Demonstration and participation of chest, arms and hands massage.
Week 4: Demonstration and participation of face and back massage.
Week 5: Participation of full body massage.
As well as learning how to safely massage your baby you will be shown touch relaxation techniques and gentle movements. During the course you will get to meet other parents and join in with discussions on relevant topics together with sharing ideas and suggestions with the group.
Massage communicates to all children, all caregivers, all communities and all backgrounds. By passing on these skills to parents it gives you the chance to assist in alleviating or eliminating ailments so that parenthood and childhood can be enjoyed to the full.
Please note: ALL babies welcome from 4 weeks until crawling. I have experience working with babies and parents with additional needs.
Five week courses running throughout the year. For details of the next course dates or to reserve your place, please contact Kellie with your name, your baby's name, age and details of any problems or health conditions you/your baby may currently be experiencing. Please also include your mobile number as a reminder text is sent the day before each class.

In the late 19th century, a Japanese Buddhist priest, Dr Mikao Usui, reintroduced the techniques he discovered from ancient Tibetan Sacred Texts. These healing techniques are now known as Reiki.
Reiki is a Japanese word meaning:
REI: Universally or spiritually guided, wisdom and knowledge of the universe.
KI: Life Force Energy (which flows through every living thing and is present in some form in everything around us even in rocks and inanimate objects).
Reiki is an art of healing by touch, a way of channelling the life force energy to restore perfect balance to the body on all levels, healing not only physical disorders, but also emotional and mental problems, as it opens the mind to the causes of disease and pain, helping with their elimination. It can also be used to encourage personal and spiritual awareness and growth.
Reiki is incorporated in to all treatments to ensure that each session treats a client's mind, body and soul.
I am a member of the Reiki Healers & Teachers Society.

Cuskiboo® is a calming, safe and healthy alternative to other infant comforters. Its unique shape stimulates your child’s imagination - a round shape is the first shape a baby recognises. Keep Cuskiboo® close to you, either inside your clothing or next to you in bed for a few days; it will absorb all those comforting mummy/daddy scents. Cuskiboos® are a great friend for babies in special care too as they can still smell mummy/daddy when you are not with them.
Cuskiboo® is made entirely from a special bamboo yarn which is organically grown and totally sustainable. It is ultra absorbent, antibacterial, eco-friendly, bio-degradable, machine washable, beautifully soft and naturally loveable!
Cuskiboo® is also approved by the National Health Service - the only baby comforter in the UK with this official guideline!
If your little one loves their Cuskiboo® as much as my little one does, make sure you have a spare for when one is in the wash!
Care Instructions:
Before bonding with me, please wash me at 30˚ and ensure that I am completely dry - particularly around my neck! I am safe to put in the tumble dryer if your mummy prefers.
Once dry please pass to your mummy to sleep with me for a couple of nights to get her special yummy mummy smells on me. Tie all my long bits in to knots so that I am easier to grab (and it stops mummy worrying about me covering your face too!) and pop next to your face to schnuggle up to and comfort yourself off to sleep. In time your mummy will notice how your face turns towards me to suck on or snuggle.

Charities and Bump 2 Baby Massage
Bump 2 Baby Massage are proud to support the following charities and children:
North Middlesex Hospital Children’s Ward – unwanted nappies, clothes and toys always gratefully received.
The Ava Howton Fund
The George Lockley Fund
Haven House Children’s Hospice

Recommended Professionals
Please note that I only recommend professionals whom I have used myself.
Pregnancy, newborn & family photographers
Katie Rouse Photography - www.katierousephotography.com
Russ Jackson Photography - www.russjacksonphotography.co.uk
Louise Segui 2Evolve, at The Freedom Centre – www.2evolve.biz
Laura Marks – 07917 333 081
Cranial Osteopath
Manuel Ponce – www.cranial-osteopath.com
Nutritional Therapist
Jodie Brandman – www.jodiebrandman.com
Pregnancy & Postnatal Pilates
A Balanced Life/ABL – Tori Norris - www.abalancedlife.co.uk
Baby Swimming
Aquababies Essex – Sally Brett - www.aquababies-essex.co.uk

Privacy Policy
How we use your personal data
Your personal data is confidential and is not shared with any third parties. Personal details are either taken and kept for the purposes of keeping you safe during treatment and enhancing your experience or for the purpose of booking you on to a course, keeping you (and your baby) safe during classes and contacting you regarding the course. I am also required to keep records for a period of time for insurance purposes. Your details are kept in a locked room and, if no longer required by Bump 2 Baby Massage, destroyed by shredding after seven years.
This privacy notice provides you with details of how we collect and process your personal data including any information you may provide through our site when you book an appointment, sign up to any future newsletters or complete a course booking form.
By providing us with your data, you warrant to us that you are over 13 years of age.
Bump 2 Baby Massage is the data controller and we are responsible for your personal data (referred to as “we”, “us” or “our” in this privacy notice).
Contact Details
Our full details are:
Bump 2 Baby Massage
Email address: info@bump2babymassage.co.uk
Postal address: Bump 2 Baby Massage, 51 Valley Hill, Loughton, Essex IG10 3AL
If you are not happy with any aspect of how we collect and use your data, you have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), the UK supervisory authority for data protection issues (www.ico.org.uk). We should be grateful if you would contact us first if you do have a complaint so that we can try to resolve it for you.
It is very important that the information we hold about you is accurate and up to date. Please let us know if at any time, whilst actively attending clinic, your personal information changes by emailing us at info@bump2babymassage.co.uk
Below are our policies on how we collect data from you and which data we collect from you:
Course Bookings
· Identity Data may include your first name, last name and that of your child/children.
· Contact Data may include your home address, email address and telephone numbers.
· Financial Data is not collected:
· all payments are collected either by BACS, cash, cheque or gift voucher.
· Transaction Data may include details about payments made by yourself for course bookings or appointments.
· Your personal data will be stored and be accessible by Bump 2 Baby Massage.
· Your information will not be shared to any third party companies.
· We will only contact you with regards to Bump 2 Baby Massage services and associated matters and will never send spam to you.
Client Consultation Forms
· Identity Data may include your first name, last name, marital status, title, date of birth and gender. Identity Data may also include details of your child/children.
· Contact Data may include your home address, email address and telephone numbers.
· Health Data: The medical and emotional questions are required so that we can provide a holistic treatment for you.
· Sensitive Data: During consultations we may collect, where relevant, some Sensitive Data about you such as your medical background and/or sex life. We do not collect information relating to race or ethnicity, religious or philosophical beliefs or sexual orientation. Information regarding criminal convictions and offences is also not collected.
· Financial Data is not collected:
· all payments are collected either by BACS, cash, cheque or gift voucher.
· Transaction Data may include details about payments made by yourself for treatments.
· Your personal data will be stored and be accessible by Bump 2 Baby Massage.
· Your information will not be shared to any third party companies.
· We will only contact you with regards to Bump 2 Baby Massage services and associated matters and will never send spam to you.
Data Retention:
· By law we have to keep basic information about our customers (including Contact, Identity, Financial and Transaction Data) for six years after they cease being customers for insurance and tax purposes.
· Medical malpractice requests that we keep consultation files on record for seven years once you have received your last treatment with Kellie McFarlane (nee Matthews). After this date they will be shredded.
· We will only retain your personal data for as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes we collected it for, including for the purposes of satisfying any legal, accounting, or medical requirements.
Record Keepings
· Your consultation forms are kept either on file on a password protected computer and/or paper files are kept in a locked room.
· Your files are not viewed or accessible by anyone other than Kellie McFarlane (nee Matthews), unless consent is given by yourself to share with other professionals.
· You can ask to view your client files at any given time.
We are committed to protecting your privacy.
This website is operated by Bump 2 Baby Massage and we are committed to protecting your personal information and will keep any information you provide safely and securely.
1. Disclosing Information
We will not sell, distribute or lease your personal information to third parties unless we have your permission or are required by law to do so. We may use your personal information to send you promotional information about third parties which we think you may find interesting if you tell us that you wish this to happen.
2. Webserver Logs
For statistical purposes, we may gather certain information automatically and store it in log files. These log files contain standard information collected by web servers, such as client IP addresses, browser type, internet service provider (ISP), operating system, etc. This information will only used internally and is not distributed or sold to a third party. We may use this information, which does not identify individual users, to analyse trends, to administer the website and to gather demographic information about our user base as a whole.
3. Your Legal Rights
Under certain circumstances, you have rights under data protection laws in relation to your personal data. These include the right to:
· Request access, correction and removal to your personal data.
· Object to processing of your personal data.
· Request restriction of processing your personal data.
· Request transfer of your personal data.
· Right to withdraw consent.
You can see more about these rights at:
If you request access to your personal data, there will not be a fee unless the request is excessive.
We try to respond to all legitimate requests within one month.
4. Links to Third Party Websites
When you are using the Bump 2 Baby Massage website you may move to other websites which are not operated by us (“Third Party Websites”). Third Party Websites may send their own cookies to you and collect or request data and personal information. We do not control Third Party Websites and therefore are not responsible for them. By having a link to Third Party Websites from the Website we do not make any promise or recommendation about the Third Party Websites and we may not have any connection with the people who operate the Third Party Websites. You should always read the privacy policy of Third Party Websites as their policy may be materially different to that of Bump 2 Baby Massage.
5. Changes to the Privacy Policy
From time to time Bump 2 Baby Massage may decide or be legally obliged to update this privacy policy. Any changes will be posted on the website. Except as required by law, any modifications of this privacy policy will not affect our treatment of data collected prior to the effective date of the policy change.